When I needed you most...

It was a cold and stormy December night in New York, the kind that feels too quiet and still. That's usually the sign that something is about to go horribly wrong in the weather department. My friends and I were walking home from a rather fancy event, when the wind and rain started to pick up. I pulled out my umbrella and my date and I were huddled under it for protection (if you've ever tried to share a mini umbrella you know how little protection you actually get). Suddenly, a quick gust of wind pulled the umbrella out of my hands, and as I was wrestling the umbrella from the grip of nature, it turned completely inside out and flew away. We stood in the street for a moment, drenched and freezing, watching the broken umbrella fly through the air, until it was swallowed by the void. It was my only second day with that umbrella, and it failed spectacularly in the presence of the very weather it was meant to protect me from. I gave her my coat to cover herself better, and I ended up getting a cold the very next day.

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